Wednesday, January 29, 2014

after event

UP Ayala land-Technohub


World Hijab Day launch event

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
May the peace and blessings of the Almighty be with you.

Let me start this off with just a brief story on how this started. As one of the chosen Ph World Hijab Day ambassadors, it’s my duty to spread the word as much as I could. I got to the point of meeting Congresswoman Djalia through my uncle, Mr. Ayunan Gunting. I was very grateful for having the chance of talking to her about the importance of hijaab, along with spreading the word about observing World Hijab Day. Shortly after that, she started organizing this event, she told me once,  “You know mara, this can help us with our Bill Against Discrimination on account of ethnicity and religious belief. The best way to erase biases is to have people understand our way of life and there can be no better way to achieve this than have them experience it." I strongly believe that if the bill is given the necessary support, it will benefit in many ways. It can change people’s lives not just for our Muslim brothers and sisters, but for everybody on a whole. Right there in that moment, I knew it in my heart that she is the one whom I can trust wholeheartedly for doing a tremendous job. Someone who is willing to do everything for an advocacy this big. It’s inspiring!

Wearing a hijab is truly humbling. There is a lot of nervousness and anxiety. You are constantly asking yourself, “What will it feel like?”, “Will the world view me as a terrorist?”, “People are going to laugh!” etc. Wearing it is easy, but true strength comes when you are ready to take on the world without fearing the reactions and helping others around you to realize its importance. I must add that regardless of the discriminations, judgmental behavior, I was never attacked by someone verbally and physically (phew!), or even looked at differently. I was in fact, Alhamdulillah, given respect for wearing the hijab. Islam in no way degrades women by keeping them behind the veil. It, in reality, uplifts women and gives them the equal status and maintains it. It teaches us moral conduct, behavior, attitude and so much more.  A woman who covers herself is concealing her sexuality and is allowing her femininity to be brought out. The idea is to obey her Creator over the creation. Wearing the hijab assures you safety and security.

Today, an event was held at the North Wing lobby of the House of Representatives. Alhamdulillah for a successful event.  There were a lot of muslim and non-muslim participants today, including VIPs, such as our country's lady legislators. A lot of them were very curious about the hijab, and very eager to try one. Words arent enought to describe how we feel towards the success of the event, mashaAllah! It was overwhelming hearing their wonderful insights about wearing the hijab. Event was spearheaded by ANAK MINDANAO partylist representative, Congresswoman Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman, who is also my co-WorldHijabDay ambassador. We thank her for making things possible, mashaAllah! JZK! 

so, here are the photos! :) 

our very beautiful and kind-hearted Congresswoman, WHD ambassador Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman.

my sister in Islam, co-ambassador Caroline Yasmeen Lovely, (a balik-Islam, revert for 8 years now)
 delivering her speech.
moi. ^_^

non-muslims trying the hijab on. 
non-muslims trying the hijab on. 

MashaAllah, very lovely to see these ladies in their beautiful, beautiful abayas.

my beautiful mom and sister Yasmeen.

Philippines' World Hijab Day Ambassadors.

Yasmeen & I

Congresswoman Leni Robredo LOOOVED wearing the Hijab. She has such a pleasing personality! Was one of those who were very eager to try the hijab.

Cong Leni Robredo showed support

Congresswoman Gwendolyn "Gwen" Garcia looked stunning with her hijab on

good laughs with good people

Yasmeen with maam Fatmawati Salapuddin

We had lunch after the event at a nearby restaurant.

ALHAMDULILLAH for these people. for a successful event. 
ALHAMDULILLAH for this day!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Sundays!

my baby brother AJ. Aside from cars, he loves basketball!  While i was doing a photoshoot yesterday, he was running around the house, and caught my attention when he started playing ball haha. He looked really cute esp in his "tawb" -- a clothing used by muslim men. so, i just had to take photos of this cutie and share it with you guys! ;)

of course, he had to take a bath after playing outdoors. and HE LOOOOVES WATER!

Peace, Light & Love

mara xx

Monday, January 13, 2014


by: Ammarah-Sahara

A principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or in private is known as freedom of religion. The freedom to leave or discontinue membership in a religion or religious group in religious terms is called “apostasy”. Liberation means freedom, but not to do as one pleases. So, what does it mean when we talk about liberation of women, particularly muslim women? People believe muslim women with a hijab are oppressed, subjugated, and quashed. They believe there is male dominance that is forcing her to dress that way. Well, Islam has no fixed standard as to the style of dress or type of clothing that one must wear. A woman who covers herself is concealing her sexuality and is allowing her femininity to be brought out. The idea is to obey her Creator over the creation.

In view of this, I, Ammarah Sahara Biruar-Dumama, World Hijab Day Ambassador of the Philippines, asks you to please observe Hijab for just day. It is a sincere hope that you could help our Philippine sector to spread the word to the non-muslim women and non-hijabi muslim women in our country and even worldwide. This is because I truly believe the modestly dressed or covered woman needs to be liberated from the fetters that have tied the feet of her Western counterparts. After all, true liberation is only achieved by full and willing submission to the natural order of the universe. 

This photo is our official photo for this year's event. I ask you to please change your profile photos (Facebook, instagram, twitter, etc) into THIS:

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Oppressed! Subjugated! These are probably the words that come to your mind when you see a Muslim woman covered in Hijab (the Islamic modest covering of a woman). You assume it’s her father or some radical male member from her family who is forcing her to dress that way. At least that is what people say to you. That is how the media views Muslim women who cover. Let me ask you, have you heard of the famous sayings: “go straight to the source?” Or “walk a day in my shoes?” I am sure you have heard these a million times.

Let me use the first. I ask you sincerely, have you ever gone to the true source for information about Hijab and Islam?  Have you read books, asked scholars or visited a Mosque? Have you ever asked a Muslim woman why she is so covered in a world that seeks to shed as much clothing as possible?  If you asked a Muslim woman, she would inform you that the purpose behind her Hijab is to obey her Creator over the creation. Her Creator, Allah (God), did not legislate Hijab in order to oppress her, but rather to free her from the shackles of this world. He ordered Hijab as an honor and sign of dignity for women.

When a Muslim woman covers her hair, chest and body, she is sending a silent message that she respects her body and like a pearl in the ocean, she covers it with her beautiful shell (Hijab). No one has the right to observe, gawk at and judge a Muslim woman by the highlights in her hair or curves on her body. Instead they judge her for what is in her mind, her character, and her goals and ambitions.  Hijab is prevention from being accosted by ignorant minds who only judge a woman by the clothes she wears and the skin she shows. A woman’s body as you know is sacred and this is why Islam encourages women to strive to cover and protect it.

Let us return to the second saying, “Walk a day in my shoes.” This is where WHD comes in. What is that you ask? WHD is short for World Hijab Day. This second annual event will be held on February 1st, 2014 (God willing). On this day, we ask Non-Muslim and Non-Hijabi Muslim women worldwide to observe Hijab for a day. It will be a day for everyone willing to experience what it’s like to step inside the shoes of a Hijabi. Our hopes are no less than that. We wish you will gain a wealth of knowledge and experience a slightly different definition of FREEDOM.


I had recently been appointed as World Hijab Day Ambassador of the Philippines, Alhamdulillah!!! :-) and given such a short notice, i am doing allllll i can to promote this event and spread it to every woman in this planet, in shaa Allah. I am focusing though, on promoting WHD to my fellow-Filipinas, as it's one reason why i was chosen an ambassador here. Updates, updates, soon, in Shaa Allah!
